---------------- Revision History ---------------- 2024.06.13; Ver. 1.0.0 MATLAB access to Echo Wave II, capture of the ultrasound data If in custom software or MATLAB script you want to access ultrasound cine frames and their times (e.g., for doing tendon motion analysis or testing your own free-hand 3D), you can do this using "Echo Wave II" automation programming interface. MATLAB script to get frames and their times from opened file looks like this (for comments please check "Echo Wave II" installation subfolder "...\Config\Plugins\"): asm_path = '...\Config\Plugins\autoint1client.dll'; % "..." must be replaced with full path asm = NET.addAssembly(asm_path); cmd = AutoInt1Client.CmdInt1(); ret = cmd.ConnectToRunningProgram(); % connect to running "Echo Wave II" cmd.OpenFile('C:\Echo Images\test1.tvd'); % open file frm_count = cmd.GetFramesCount(); % get the number of frames for i1=1:frm_count cmd.GoToFrame1n(i1, true); % go to frame t = cmd.GetCurrentFrameTime(); % get frame time fprintf(1, 'Frame %d of %d. Time = %f ms.\n', i1, frm_count, t); img = uint8(cmd.GetLoadedFrameRGB()); % get frame image in RGB format figure; imshow(img, 'Border', 'tight', 'InitialMagnification', 100); % show image end Works with all Telemed scanners. (c)1992-2024 TELEMED Internet: www.pcultrasound.com, www.telemed.lt Information e-mail: info@pcultrasound.com, info@telemed.lt TechSupport e-mail: support@pcultrasound.com, support@telemed.lt