------------ Introduction ------------ This software demonstrates RF feature of ArtUs ultrasound scanner. Also this software can be used to record RF data to binary files (bin). To start RF data recording to bin file, select "Data Recording" tab and click "Start" radiobutton. To stop data recording, click "Stop" radiobutton and save file to desired location. ---------------- Revision History ---------------- * 2024.06.18; Ver. 2.2.1 + Fixed multiple initializations. * 2024.06.13; Ver. 2.2.0 + Implemented B RF channel data controls. * 2024.05.08; Ver. 2.1.3 + Implemented B RF AGC control. * 2022.06.03; Ver. 2.1.2 + Fixed Focus increase when Focus button ">" is clicked. * 2022.05.31; Ver. 2.1.1 + Fixed "I, Q Autofit" control using mouse click. * 2022.05.19; Ver. 2.1.0 + Added possibility to control B and RF mode scanning parameters using mouse wheel. * 2022.05.12; Ver. 2.0.0 + User interface controls organized to tabs. + To "B Controls" tab added Dynamic Range, View Area, TGC controls. + To "RF Controls" tab added Sampling Period control. + To "L1 + L2" tab added L1 + L2 mode selection radiobuttons. + Added possibility to select RF line by clicking with mouse on ultrasound image. + Fixed cine allocation when settings file is not present. * 2022.04.12; Ver. 1.9.3 + Fixed saving of Compound subframe value to settings file. * 2022.04.11; Ver. 1.9.2 + If multiple RF frames are recorded using Start/Stop controls, the number of frames that is written to RF file was set to 0 (zero). RF file version RF0004. * 2022.04.06; Ver. 1.9.1 + In Compound mode disabled Steering Angle control. * 2021.10.12; Ver. 1.9.0 + Hidden Duo (virtual) probes. * 2021.06.18; Ver. 1.8.9 + Update overlayed graphics when probe is changed. + When releasing ultrasound controls, reset internal RF line and compound subframe values. * 2021.06.01; Ver. 1.8.8 + Fixed writing of RF file (bug of 1.8.6). + Fixed crash when device is not connected. + Fixed probe change. * 2021.05.26; Ver. 1.8.7 + Fixed probe removal. * 2021.05.25; Ver. 1.8.6 + Fixed termination of HID read operations. * 2021.04.19; Ver. 1.8.5 + For FPS calculation use performance counter. * 2021.04.16; Ver. 1.8.4 + B and RF mode FPS output changed from "Drawing FPS" to "Drawing FPS / Scanning FPS". * 2021.04.12; Ver. 1.8.3 + Added Change Scan Direction control. * 2021.01.18; Ver. 1.8.2 + Fixed writing of beam coordinates and angles to RF file in compound mode. + Updated documentation. * 2020.11.10; Ver. 1.8.1 + To window caption added software architecture information. + Enlarged frame number indicator label. * 2020.11.09; Ver. 1.8.0 + Added 64-bit software version. * 2020.11.04; Ver. 1.7.9 + Updated compiler and runtime libraries. + Set View Area to 100%. + Changed termination of on-probe button reading thread. * 2020.07.03; Ver. 1.7.8 + Added possibility to use RF Scan Line control in freeze mode. * 2020.07.03; Ver. 1.7.7 + Fixed showing of file dialog. + Added error messages when are entered incorrect frame numbers. * 2020.07.03; Ver. 1.7.6 + For cine control use RF stream (before was used B). * 2020.06.17; Ver. 1.7.5 + Fixed overwrite of saved file. * 2020.06.17; Ver. 1.7.4 + When saving file, added overwrite prompt. * 2020.05.18; Ver. 1.7.3 + Maximal allowed cine size changed to 1200 MB. * 2020.05.15; Ver. 1.7.2 + Maximal allowed cine size changed to 1500 MB. * 2020.05.12; Ver. 1.7.1 + Added Options window and option to set cine size. * 2020.05.12; Ver. 1.7.0 + Added "Freeze after scanning N frames" control. To use it, in freeze mode put check on it, enter the number of desired to scan frames, run ultrasound scanning. The software should freeze after scanning not less than entered number of frames. + Added possibility to save desired interval of RF frames from cine. * 2020.05.11; Ver. 1.6.9 + Added "Go to frame" cine control. + Added slider for cine frame selection. + In Lines mode Pointing Line renamed to Viewing Line. * 2020.05.07; Ver. 1.6.8 + Changed line 2 color when is used interleaving mode. * 2020.05.07; Ver. 1.6.7 + In Lines mode changed painting of lines. * 2020.05.06; Ver. 1.6.6 + Fixed recording of time stamps to RF data file. * 2020.05.06; Ver. 1.6.5 + Fixed reset of line registers. * 2020.05.06; Ver. 1.6.4 + Removed radiobuttons usec and Samples * 2020.05.05; Ver. 1.6.3 + Reset Lines mode data when probe is initialized or software is closed. + When painting I and Q, ignore first 4 bytes that now are used for timestamp. * 2020.05.05; Ver. 1.6.2 + Added option to record time stamps for each scanning line into RF data file. * 2020.05.04; Ver. 1.6.1 + Fixed calculation of RF frame size that is written to file when RF source id is 4 (Hilbert transform). * 2020.05.04; Ver. 1.6.0 + Fixed calculation of RF lines number that is written to file. + Fixed RF recording of N frames (sometimes was skipped first frame). + Do temporary freeze when writing Lines 1 and 2. * 2020.04.29; Ver. 1.5.9 + In Lines mode instead of RF FPS is shown Lines FPS. * 2020.04.28; Ver. 1.5.8 + When is turned on lines mode, are disbled Scanning Type, Focus, Steering Angle, Lines Density, Compound Subframe controls. Scanning type is set to standard, lines density is set to standard. RF Scan Line control is changed to Pointing Line. * 2020.04.27; Ver. 1.5.7 + When is turned on lines mode, RF window is set to maximal width and are disabled window width and horizontal positioning controls. + Fixed cropping and overlapping of RW window line numbers. * 2020.04.24; Ver. 1.5.6 + Added lines display mode. * 2020.04.23; Ver. 1.5.5 + Added posibility to record I and Q RF data components into bin file. * 2020.04.22; Ver. 1.5.4 + Changed display of RF window line numbers to start from 1. + RF window movement step changed from 2 to 1. * 2020.01.21; Ver. 1.5.3 + Added painting of scan direction marker. + Changed RF window movement depending on scan direction. * 2020.01.07; Ver. 1.5.2 + Added possibility to turn off autofit of I, Q curves. + Added possibility to select display range in bits for I, Q curves. + Added file options.ini to store software options. * 2019.12.31; Ver. 1.5.1 + Added possibility to specify the number of recorded RF frames. + Changed RF file sructure. * 2019.12.30; Ver. 1.5.0 + Added possibility to select probe (if are connected several beamformers/probes) by clicking button with probe name. + When software is opened/closed, now last used settings are loaded/saved in separate files for different beamformers/probes. + When settings are applied, added checking if they match current beamformer and probe. * 2019.12.02; Ver. 1.4.2 + Changed HID manager to process only specified devices. * 2019.11.25; Ver. 1.4.1 + Added manifest. * 2019.10.23; Ver. 1.4.0 + Added support for Compound mode. * 2019.10.14; Ver. 1.3.2 + Software startup limited to single instance. + Software startup changed to show window before ultrasound initialization. * 2019.10.08; Ver. 1.3.1 + Added additional check for the number of HID features to avoid crash depending on connected HID devices. * 2019.10.04; Ver. 1.3.0 + Added support of on-probe freeze button. * 2019.09.10; Ver. 1.2.0 + To "Record RF data" group added button "Record Single Frame" and output of recorded file name. * 2019.08.29; Ver. 1.1.0 + Added probe name indication. + Added possibility to change scanning type (B Standard, WideView). + Added WideView Angle, Steering Angle controls. + Added on-ultrasound output of line numbers and depths of RF Window borders. * 2019.06.06; Ver. 1.0.0 + Initial release. ----------------------------------- Information for software developers ----------------------------------- Used objects and interfaces: Usgfw2Class, IProbe, UsgDataView, IUsgDataView, IUsgMixerControl, IUsgImageProperties, IUsgScanLineProperties, IUsgDepth, IUsgGain, IUsgPower, IUsgProbeFrequency3, IUsgLineDensity, IUsgFocus, IUsgQualProp, ISampleGrabberFilter, ISampleGrabber, IUsgStreamEnable, IUsgDataSourceRF, IUsgWindowRF and others. !!! IMPORTANT !!! * In order to modify this sample you will need knowledge of COM and DirecShow. * For sample compilation you will need to install Microsoft Platform SDK (Windows SDK), compile DirectShow base classes. * Also you will need to adjust project's include and library paths related to DirectShow and USGFWSDK. * USGFWSDK include files define ultrasound-related structures and interfaces. * For operation are required Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and 2017 redistributable files. Additional include directories in plug-in's project settings: .\;"$(USGFWSDK)\include";"$(DXSDK_INCLUDE)";"$(PSDK_INCLUDE)"; "$(DS_BASE_INCLUDE)"; Additional library directories in plug-in's project settings: "$(DXSDK_LIB)\x86";"$(PSDK_LIB)"; "$(DSHOWBASECLASSES)\VC80\Release"; Additional dependencies in plug-in's project settings: strmbase.lib vfw32.lib quartz.lib winmm.lib dxtrans.lib comctl32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comsuppw.lib psapi.lib user32.lib Setupapi.lib Here USGFWSDK - Ultrasonography for Windows SDK; DXSDK - DirectX SDK; PSDK - Platform SDK (Windows SDK); DS_BASE, DSHOWBASE - DirectShow base classes from Platform SDK; strmbase.lib - compiled DirectShow base classes; ===========================================================================